echelon V

Monday, February 28, 2005

I'm sorry Reuben

On second thoughts, no I'm not. I'm going to enjoy posting this, not because I'm a sadistic bastard (though you get to make the call on that), but because I have nothing better to do at 8.30 am.

Excerpts from an MSN conversation, uncensored and taken (though not entirely) out of context. Participants are Chris, Reuben, and yours truly as Turd Ferguson.

Turd Ferguson says:

you seem to know it better than i do.

Reuben says:

of course

Reuben says:

i spied on you when u went to the loo

Chris says:


Chris says:

He's probably talking from past experience?

Turd Ferguson says:


Turd Ferguson says:

then he'd be talking about you

Turd Ferguson says:

unless he is

Turd Ferguson says:

and doesn't know it

Reuben says:

wtf is a turd ferguson

Chris says:

Well, I don't swing that way and never did, so its either you or he has wet dreams of us all...

Chris says:


Turd Ferguson says:

celebrity jeopardy fool

Reuben says:

mmmm i like wet dreams

Reuben says:

especially when u wake up with white stuff in ur undies

Chris says:


Chris says:

Now, I can see why you keep telling everyone else to get lotsa undies when coming to the US...

Reuben says:

eating early morning premature ejaculated sperm is the key to good bone marrow health

Chris says:

I submit

Turd Ferguson says:

i'll quote you on that

Reuben says:

ah exactly

Chris says:

Blog's are just great...

Reuben says:

omfg dont u dare

Reuben says:

u pricks

Reuben says:


Reuben says:

me and my big mouth

Reuben says:

share a secret and u get fucked in the ass


Reuben says:

omfg u whores

Reuben says:

i'll KILL YOU ALL!!!

Turd Ferguson says:


Reuben says:

i'll murder your puppies

Turd Ferguson says:

if you get off your lazy ass to drive down to austin that is

Turd Ferguson says:

and then to florida

Turd Ferguson says:


Chris says:

Pussies are gonna have to do for you...

Turd Ferguson says:


Chris says:

Squirrels too

Turd Ferguson says:

i just have one hell of an evil cat --->

Reuben says:

speaking of that cat

Reuben says:

wtf did u do to it

Reuben says:

it looks raped

Turd Ferguson says:

now i never thought of it that way

Turd Ferguson says:

you sick bastard

Chris says:

Like I said before

Chris says:

He's obviously saying all that from experience

Reuben says:

now i never raped a cat

Turd Ferguson says:


Reuben says:

just fingered it a little

Turd Ferguson says:

quote x2

Reuben says:

ARGH whore

Draw your own conclusions - you know you want to.

Now Playing: U2 - New Year's Day

Got Nyquil?

I'm tired. Not a good sign at all. Especially considering that sleeping now would mean that I'd miss... (counts on fingers) all of 3 classes tomorrow. Today. Whatever.

Something is definitely wrong with me. Just for once I'd like to be able to sleep when I want. Just once.

Now where's caffeine when you need it....

I'll probably just go down to JCL at 7 and get a bottle of Bawls. That should be enough to get me through the day. Or not. I'm just too lazy for that. I'll probably just go get 'breakfast' and get Mountain Dew with it.

Maybe I should work on those government notes to kill time. My mind is in no condition to do calculus. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to make it to 4 pm.

Or I could just sleep. No. I'd miss history for sure if I did that. And philosophy too probably.

Hmm... I'm actually feeling a bit better now. Maybe I'll finish off these government notes and then watch some 24 Season 4. Just the first episode. Really....

Heh, the last time I said that it ended up becoming a ten episode marathon. So no, maybe I won't watch it. Yet.

Now Playing: U2 - With A Shout

Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Apartment Saga

It looks like the Legislature hasn't come to a conclusion on where to live next semester. While most members of both chambers seemed satisfied with the referandum, there were always one or two who always choose to filibuster the proposal and knock it dead. First there was Penthouse. Yours truly, being dissatisfied overall with the arrangements, and having lost the Power to Recommend, almost used a pocket veto. It turned out however that Penthouse was unavailable, and the figurative bill fell through. The committee continued to explore new options, such as Rio Nueces, Waterford, Duval and a number of other choices. After due process, a new bill was crafted and a number of days earmarked for the sole purpose of apartment exploring. Following endless debate on the floor, the power of judicial review was exercised and it was ruled that Rio Nueces and Waterford were unacceptable. However, mugwumps continued to protest and it was soon apparent that redistricting may be necessary. A 5 bedroom house was attached as a ryder to the bill, however it was killed in committee following an executive order, and impeachment was duly considered. After further debate and continued filibustering, the bill passed. However, bedroom configuration was not taken into consideration, and a standing committee was formed to consider the options. As a result of constant partisan bickering and vote blocking, no conclusion has been reached yet. And even if one is, it remains to be seen whether Appropriations will agree with the monetary requirements. Should a consensus not be reached, the judiciary will be forced to claim original jurisdiction and declare the proposal unconstitutional. Should this happen, I will be forced to turn to the bully pulpit, or initiate a state of Emergency and acquire war powers.

Yes, I am rather bored.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Clairvoyant

Friday, February 25, 2005

To all the Samson Occoms and Elizabeth Ashbridges out there...

I hate you. I hope you burn and/or rot in hell. I hope your soul remains in perpetual torment in whatever you consider the afterlife and that you're forced to write hour long history exams every hour. And if you're not religious and the above doesn't apply to you, I hope you die. And before you do, please, for the love of George W. Bush, don't write a memoir and/or autobiography.

That said, the history test wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty good because I was (at least I think I was) pretty well prepared. They just HAD to ask the Ashbridge question didn't they?

On the bright side, now that that's done with, I can focus on more immediate concerns. Namely, catching up on sleep I haven't missed (you read that right) and general laziness while studying for Calculus and Government tests on Tuesday. Yeah, two midterms on the same day. What could be better than trying to find the Taylor series of a given function and checking for convergence of random improper integrals while talking about blocked Senate confirmations, filibusters, and how backward the Texas judicial system is?

Now Playing: U2 - The Unforgettable Fire (Live)

Monday, February 21, 2005

I am stupid, aren't I?

Turns out the calculus test isn't tomorrow, but on 1st March. Which puts it on the same day as the second Government test... but whatever. It isn't tomorrow!

Now Playing: U2 - '40'

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Untitled post #0x07ca5f

So that was a good weekend. I think it helped getting my mind off things. And what could be more fun than hanging out with Mr. Mud Puddles?

I have to admit, Sarah's sleep cycle rivals mine - she sleeps a lot earlier but ends up waking up almost as late. I didn't spend as much time with Nisha as I usually do... then again she spent most of the time watching Fear Factor, going to a movie, hanging out with her friend Courtney (who redefines weird - and admits it) and trying to get something done at Kinko's. They also had some kind of party there on Saturday with a few family friends. Not that much fun but I did run into Sajid. Haven't seen him in a while.

Turns out those bastards watched some 24 while I was away. Bastards. Oh well, at least I get some time to kill since I'll probably be pulling another all nighter now. After waking up at 2.30 pm AND getting some 3 hours of sleep on the bus back to Austin there is no way I'll be able to sleep until at least 5 am... and if I do sleep then I KNOW I'll miss history. Can't have that with the test on Friday.

Speaking of tests... history on Friday and calculus on Tuesday. I'm kind of worried about calculus since I haven't done a single homework since the semester started - and this isn't something I've done in high school like calculus 1 was. It's not like it's difficult but I'll probably spend Monday working on problems. Then there's history. She already gave us a review sheet with 6 questions, from which two would be on the test. And I'll be going for a study group on Wednesday to leech off other people's hard work so I think I'm covered there. I just hope calculus isn't too difficult.

I think I'll watch some Farscape. Season 4 looks like it's getting better.

Gotta love DRD 1812.

Now Playing: U2 - Salome

Thursday, February 17, 2005

14 Hours

Of sleep that is. I needed that much at least.

Except now I have nothing to do for the next couple of hours before calculus. On the bright side, I know for a fact I won't be missing it now.

I did notice that a whole bunch of blogs have popped up/been updated had they not been for a while out of the blue. Probably has to do with the fact that I posted the link on my Facebook - or Rishi's constant proliferation.

Dan just started off with his blog, give it a read.

So did Chris. No, not that Chris - the one I've mentioned a few times before on here - his journal seems just about dead.

Hell even Reuben got off his lazy ass and made one.

Haven't had enough yet? Then pay a visit to the resident CS major Sanju's blog.

That's all I think, for now.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Angel and The Gambler

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

'The life of Olaudah Equiano'

Also know as Gustavus Vassa. Very interesting 'classic' slave narrative. So interesting in fact that I had a hard time convincing myself to read it instead of doing calculus. And it's not like he doesn't know it - the second chapter starts off with "I hope the reader will not think I have trespassed on his patience". Give it a read, if you have nothing better do do. And I do mean nothing, because at this point 'everything else' would qualify as better.

So I slept through calculus. Again. In fact it's very possible that there's a test on Thursday that I don't know about, and I don't know anyone in the class I can call to check. I guess I'll just find out tomorrow in discussion.

I WILL not miss class Thursday damnit.

Looks like I'll be going to Houston this weekend. That'll be a welcome change. Seeing the cats again should be fun too.

Time to watch some 24.

Now Playing: CoLD SToRAGE - Cairodrome

Monday, February 14, 2005

It's falling, it's falling and outside a building comes tumbling down

A professor that gives out candy before a test - how cool is that?

The test was easy enough too, though I barely finished. I probably wrote too much but that's okay, I think I got everything down.

Now I'll play loud music and annoy the girls next door.

Now Playing: U2 - Rejoice

If you don't know, electric co.

I'm just not able to focus. And that's not good, considering the test is in just under 10 hours from now.

The Pope's ultra conservative "I'll just assume everything I'm basing my argument on is right and undebatable" abortion position, Don Marquis' "the fetus has a future damnit - just like that guy on death row" argument, Mary Anne Warren's "I'm not trying to justify infanticide - no really, why won't you believe me" position, JJ Thomson's "it can in fact be morally permissible to kill an innocent human being" piece and of course, Justice Harry Blackmun's Supreme Court "I'll try to be as vague as possible while at the same time legalizing abortion" opinion - take your pick.

A bottle of Bawls might help I think. I'm going to need it sooner or later if I'm going to make it through tomorrow awake.

Now Playing: U2 - The Electric Co.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Things Trebek sucks

It's a bit past 7 am, and I've been up all night. I guess that's what I get for waking up at dinner time....

Either way, I should be studying for the Philosophy test. Two essays... ugh. I can't stand essays. On the bright side, review sheets are always helpful. That and I know pretty much everything in the notes so it should be easy enough.

Speaking of tests I wonder where my Government grades are....

Oh, and I signed up at the Facebook (about time too). I still say it's staker heaven, but hey, who am I to complain if I'm the one being stalked online? Unless it's a guy of course, sorry but I just don't swing that way.

Then there was the thing with Dan I was threatening to post on here....

Nah, I'm not that evil.

Now Playing: U2 - Out of Control

Sunday, February 06, 2005

6th on a Saturday night

Beads + A little persuasion = Girls - tops

I do believe that says it all. Now if only I had a good enough camera. The cellphone just doesn't cut it at night.

Now Playing - U2 - The Unforgettable Fire

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Opportunity + Instinct = Profit*

What a frelling pain in the ass. This is the third time I'm writing this post thanks to Blogger, and in part my constant absentmindedness with the copying and pasting.

So where was I now...

Ah yes. Wondering where the hell I was when they were handing out willpower. I ended up sleeping through and missing not one, but two of my morning classes. The second of which wasn't even in the morning. That, and I had trouble dragging myself out of bed 15 minutes before my 2 pm Philosophy discussion class. The only reason I didn't sleep right through that was that attendance there is graded. There's only so much a guy like me gets to slack off these days....

I didn't even bother going to calculus discussion after that.

On the bright side, my A8V sold for $109 + shipping on Ebay. That's $103 + shipping after paying the Ebay and PayPal fees. Not too bad, considering it was looking like I wasn't going to be able to sell it at all in the beginning. Speaking of money... I WANT MY MONEY FOR THE 6800 GT ALREADY AKU!

That, and I just realised I never took a shower today. Time to fix that.

U2 - Pride (In The Name of Love)

Live version from Rattle and Hum. I think I like this better than the original.

* Ferengi Rule of Acquisition number 9. Used with permission. Copyright (c) 2375 Grand Nagus Rom. All Rights Reserved.