echelon V

Friday, April 29, 2005

Watching 24

Great show. Download it.

Now Playing: 24!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Registration woes

Don't you just love waking up at 7.55 am, hitting refresh repeatedly at a rate of 120 times a minute (minimum necessary to get decent classes) following which you frantically enter unique ID numbers into little text boxes, only to be taunted by the omnipresent "ADD unsuccessful because that section is full", after which you end up registering for second rate sections with third rate professors with horrible grade histories and ending up with a schedule that has you waking up at 8 am in the morning for classes that last all through the day to 5.30 pm?

Oh, and that's not all. Here's another Registration Crime Against Humankind - waitlists. The bane of all 'class snipers'. And it's no help when your registration period is the LAST of the lot (thank you freshman registration!). The worst part is, I'm only 5 hours short of sophomore standing, not including the hours I'll get from the spring semester.

Well, maybe it wasn't that bad this semester, since I'll only be able to register for business classes in the summer anyway (if I get in, which just got a lot harder). My 'dummy' class schedule so far, which is going to look a lot different once I'm done with add/drops....

Summer (second session):
GOV S312L - Government 2
ECO S304K - Microeconomics, waitlisted

CS 315
PHL 313K (logic) - Both these classes are there just to make sure I don't fall under 12 hours. Even if I don't make it to business, I doubt I'll continue with CS.
PHY 309K - Stupid physics! Which will stay on my schedule if I make it to business
CH 301 - Chemistry 1, though I'll drop this later
ECO 304K (microeconomics) - I'll drop this for macro if I get micro in the summer

Fun schedule. Wait till you see the class timings.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - Brave New World (Rock in Rio, Live)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A trip down memory lane

Four year old MSN chat logs tend to do that. I'm surprised I even have these. I was such an organization freak back then, to the point that I had the logs sorted by month and year. So I've been going over logs that date all the way back to 2001, and damn do they bring up some old memories, both good and bad. Memories like....

The old Counterstrike games on dial up. And the time I first got DSL.

10th grade ICSE boards/finals, and the day we got done with them. That was really something... at least until 11th grade started, leading directly to two more years of hell.

Quake III with the old gang. It's never been the same since we lost Kevin and Dominic. (RIP guys)

x3dfx, back when it wasn't a forum full of moronic bigots. Okay, so maybe it isn't that bad but it's just not the same. And hey, I did 'meet' a few people on there that I still talk to, some more frequently than others.

Pre-11th grade high school. That's when I made some really good friends I still keep in touch with (shout outs to Anish, Mrinal, Rishi and the old dog).

UNASCO and 'the letter'. You know who you are.

Unreal Tournament! All those 'clan matches' and online 1v1s with the Pacemaker. Oh, and the time my brother beat Rishi. I'll never let you forget that, and you had better believe it.

The Australia/New Zealand trip. I've never had so much fun in one summer, and needless to say I WILL be going down there again sometime.

The time I got hit in the face with a swinging hockey stick. That left a small but permanent scar above my upper lip, and broke one front tooth. Have to love implants.

Being the middleman in a highly unstable relationship between my neighbour and his girlfriend. Manipulating people is fun.

Installing a remote access app and FTP server on said neighbour's computer.

F1! It's not as much fun as it used to be back then, what with all the anti-Hakkinen and anti-Montoya hatefests (though yesterday's race in Imola just might change that).

Cricket, back when it was actually worth watching.

All the squash. There's something I haven't given up completely. (Yes Mrinal, I WILL kick your ass this summer - start practicing)

NFSCheats, and all the people I used to know from on there, like Matt, Rob, Jeroen... haven't talked to them in years now.

And lots more. So much more.

Now Playing: U2 - Beautiful Day (Live at Slane Castle)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I have a cunning plan...

In the eternal words of Baldrick. But really, I do have one. Marvel at my overly tentative and anything-but-set-in-stone itinerary for the following months.

Cunning Plan 1

May 11 - Complete final(s). Make a mental note to never take a history class at UT Austin again. Ever.
May 13/14 - Fly to Houston.
May 18 - Fly to Dubai, land of those with too much time on their hands.
May 18-31 - Slack off in Dubai, not setting foot outside for fear of being terminally burned.
June 1-10 (highly tentative) - Go on a trip to Singapore and Malaysia. May or may not involve a cruise. Slacking off is high on the agenda.
June 11-20 (highly-er tentative) - Pay a visit to the good folks in India. Avoid mosquitoes at all costs. Malaria = bad.
June 21-30 - Return to Dubai. Own Mrinal at squash, among other things.
June 30 - Fly back to Houston.
July 8 - Fly to Austin. Prepare for incredibly long and boring summer session.

Alternative Cunning Plan 1 (I guess that would make this Cunning Plan 2)

May 11 - Complete final(s). Make a mental note to never take a history class at UT Austin again. Ever.
May 13/14 - Fly to Houston.
May 18 - Fly to England.
May 18-31 - Do stuff in England. Not quite sure what. Possible First Contact with The Drak.
June 1-10 (you guessed it, tentative) - Pay a visit to the good folks in India. Avoid mosquitoes at all costs. Malaria = bad. Deja-vu?
June 11-30 - Return to Dubai. Own Mrinal at squash, among other things. More ownage, since I now have more time.
June 30 - Fly back to Houston.
July 8 - Fly to Austin. Prepare for incredibly long and boring summer session.

Extremely Cunning Plan That Will Be Executed Regardless Of Status Of Other Plans

Monday, April 18, 2005. 12:03 am EDT* - Sleep.

* Correction. CDT. Being up for 28 hours at a stretch can... do stuff.

Now Playing: CoLD SToRAGE - Messij XTND

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Welcome to Coridon 12

It's 4:44 am, and I'm bored. And since I have nothing better to do, I'm going to pick on my good friend Mrinal's most recent blog post. This is going to be a political rant, so if you're not into it, or cannot dig with it as some would say, then don't bother reading.

It's interesting, because I don't follow Indian politics closely or even at all - nowhere near as closely as I follow American politics. Some say I'm an Indian citizen in name only, and earlier I had the 'honor' of being called a coconut by Dan. 'Coconut' of course, meaning 'white on the inside and brown on the outside', for those who didn't get it, but I digress. So maybe my credibility isn't the best when it comes to this. But like I said earlier, I have nothing better to do. I just got done with a difficult week involving three tests, so I've earned the right to rant.

I agree with Mrinal when he says that the Bush Administration's decision to supply Pakistan with the aircrafts in question in order to 'combat terrorism' is 'total codswallop'. It very much is. The 'War on Terrorism' is nothing more than used and abused rhetoric at this point to rally support from the right for Bush and Republicans in general. Maybe the administration actually does believe in the 'war', and they believe that with all new firepower Pakistan is somehow going to help them achieve their goals, whatever those may be. I can tell you this - the 'War on Terrorism' was the very last thing Pakistani officials were thinking about when the sale took place, apart from the fact that going along with the theme would guarantee them a supply of 24 planes. But that's besides the point anyway. Pakistan bought, for whatever reason, 24 F-16s from the US.

Run for the hills.

Never mind the fact that India too has been offered the F-16s. Right-wingers are up in arms about it. 'Why should Pakistan get more F-16s? Forget peace, they're denying our musicians visas!' Or something to that tune, from a random Indian message board I came across. As one Indian columnist writes, "What makes it all laughable is that the pretext is to aid Pakistan’s counterinsurgency efforts. These weapons will be used to intimidate or attack India."

I have one thing to say to you people. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

This mindset is why relations between India and Pakistan are the way they are (and I'm not talking about the 'peace process' here). It's all about the balance of power. The nuclear stalemate. One side fires a shot, everyone loses. It isn't about who's got a military advantage anymore. That's irrelevant. Go to war, and everyone loses. It may seem cliched, but it's the truth.

Get more guns. Get all the guns you need. Get planes, get tanks, get submarines. Spend all that taxpayer money on that defense budget. The Pakistan is coming.

Burst the bubble. Look beyond 'India-Pakistan'. To India, it may seem like a 'whole new relationship with the US'. To the Bush adminsitration, it's just one of many things on the agenda. We're talking about India becoming a super-power now? Step back and look around. Look at the slums, the roads, the people, the everything. The state of the nation. And it's not good people. People living and dying in the streets. India's going nowhere the way it is.

Don't buy the gun. Give a hungry kid the money instead.

Bleeding-heart liberal rhetoric? Maybe. It still stands.

Yeah, that wasn't entirely coherent. It wasn't supposed to be. It's not a rational argument. I make those all the time, and they're just not as much fun. Somewhere in the middle there I started going off on tangents to tangents, but whatever. I said what I wanted to. This is one of those "it's so fucking stupid and people just don't see it" issues.

Now Playing: Ferry Corsten - Sublime

Side Note - I noticed the first reply to the linked post mentions the CTBT. I ought to mention that the CTBT would in fact have been ratified by the Senate in 1999, if Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) hadn't given into political pressure by Republicans and flip-flopped on the vote, flipping a number of Republican votes in the process, and killing any chance the treaty had of being ratified. It had strong Democratic support, and Clinton would have signed it. I just thought I should mention this, since it IS Democrats who tried to push India to sign the CTBT. Which, in my honest opinion, they should have done.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My PSP eats your iPod for breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.

Disclaimer: This blog post has been created for the sole and express purpose of bragging about my brand new PSP. Which by the way is better than your iPod. Any jealousy and/or intent to destroy me that may be a result of your reading this post is entirely intended. Yes, I am an asshole.

So the PSP is everything it's been hyped up to be. The screen is absolutely jaw-dropping. The video and sound quality is great. I haven't run into any battery life problems yet. It plays my MP3s.

It's also an attention magnet. Saying that it'll get you girls wouldn't be too far from the truth. (Don't look at me like that)

Wipeout Pure is a great game too. It feels more like Wip3out (or Wipeout 3, whatever you want to call it) than any other game in the series, but it really combines the best in all the past Wipeout games. It has the Zone mode from Wipeout Fusion, which is highly addictive, all the old teams (Qirex is back!) and an AWESOME soundtrack. Yeah, the CoLD SToRAGE song (Onyx) is just great. It also has a track from Wipeout XL/2097, one from Wip3out and one from Wipeout Fusion.

The best part is that with a bigger memory stick it effectively turns into a full fledged MP3 player. Now if only those weren't half the cost of the PSP itself.... There's always ebay though.

Now Playing: CoLD SToRAGE - Onyx

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Let him who hath understanding...

Why do people watch the OC? It's the most fucking annoying TV soap I've ever seen. 90210 reincarnated. And you KNOW that can't be a good thing.


What do you get out of, to quote someone at the NS forums, watching 'some rich wankers coated in makeup living their oh-so-dramatic social lives'? That really is all it is. 'Unrealistic' would be a compliment. You won't realize it until you see the show for yourself and find out exactly how overhyped - and at the same time extremely banal - the drama is. The average conversation between two OC-watching dittoheads goes...

"OMG did you watch last night's show?!"

"Yeah I can't believe it!!!"

"She's a LESBIAN OMFG!!!!!"

I guess I should have put up some sort of spoiler warning.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Wickerman

Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's watching you.

As you unwittingly read all that's there to read on this blog. Watching your every move. Logging your IP address and browsing habits. Spying on you as you download porn off DC++ and BitTorrent. Sitting in the corner of this page - unnoticed and overlooked. Authorized personally by John Ashcroft.

Meet the counter.

So maybe it doesn't do ALL that, but it does keep track of the number of people who come here out of pure boredom. Or whatever their motivation may be, if any at all. I noticed Dan's had one on his blog for a while so I figured why the hell not.

Earlier today, and yesterday for that matter, we came this close to breaking the study lounge glass at Jester while throwing frisbee. I think we scared off the people trying to get work done in there. That, and my fingers took a beating. But it was fun all the same.

I've also been doing what I do best when I'm bored - taking people's... okay, one person's embarrassing quotes out of context and listing them on my facebook profile.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Mercenary

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Somebody stop me!

In all seriousness. Please.

I just spent $135 on a PS2 slim, bought 3 games (Wipeout Fusion, Gran Turismo 3 and Extreme-G 3) for a total of $24.80 and spent $31.95 on two memory cards. Apparently my credit card decided it hadn't had enough, and it convinced me (yes, I'm blaming this on the credit card) to spend a further $259.99 on a Sony PSP and $39.00 on Wipeout Pure. *

So yeah, feel free to go ahead and do as the title says, or pretty soon I'll be feeling the Wrath of Visa (tm).

Now Playing: The cleaning lady's vacuum cleaner

* All prices inclusive of shipping

Monday, April 04, 2005

Hell is from here to eternity

Actually I couldn't care less where the hell hell is. That wasn't intentional. No, really, it wasn't.

The solo on this song is beyond killer though.

This morning I caught myself pronouncing the letter 'Z' as 'zee'. That has to be a first. Must fix it.

I've been reading a lot of political blogs like CrooksAndLiars and Daily Kos lately. You probably don't care. I know I wouldn't.

My PS2 still isn't here. Tracking information from the USPS site, and I quote...
"Your item was misrouted. The error has been corrected and every effort is being made to deliver it as soon as possible. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. "

PSPs are still out of stock anywhere the sale price doesn't include and arm and/or a leg.

Should you be willing to part with a limb or two, there's always eBay.

I hate USPS.

I just got done with a history test. The farmers tried. They really did. But they just couldn't keep up with the merchants and capitalists.

In the event that you're really, really bored, you might want to give The Artificial River by Carol Sheriff a read. That was a joke. Never, ever read it, unless your life and/or grade depends on it.

In the event that you're really, really bored, go read twilight chronicles, link on the sidebar.

I still hate USPS.

Cooling fans - CPU, chipset or case - are the scourge of mankind. And my eardrums.

My wallet is still reeling from the shock that is SLI.

Wipeout owns your soul. You just don't know it yet.

Scratch that. Swiss rolls own your soul. As do girl scout cookies.

I fucking hate USPS.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - Brave New World