echelon V

Monday, January 30, 2006

Hell Week 1

Hey, it had to happen at some point, right? Put together internship prep, resume reviews, the Intern Expo, accounting quizzes, mock interview marathon, a night out at Pappasito's and a very screwed sleep schedule and you have the week of Jan 30 through Jan 37. Or something.

It's 5.50 am and I'm not the least bit sleepy. That, and I have an 8 am.

Now Playing: CoLD SToRAGE - Messij XTND

Friday, January 27, 2006

Arlen Specter (R-Hypocrite)

There was a time when I actually respected the man. With the ideological deaths of John McCain and Lincoln Chafee, that brings down the count of the number of Republicans I don't hate to exactly zero.

But anyhow, enough with the politics for now. I'm still trying to figure out what to do over the summer. Personally I'd like to intern somewhere because my goal is to graduate with at least 2 internships in the bag. But then there's the fact that I know I'll definitely be spending the entire summer interning next year and I only spent a part of last summer back home. And I have to admit, I do enjoy going back home. That and I want to drop by Bombay for a little bit too seeing as how there are like 674526596 people I know there.

I think I'm going to go look up some internships.

Now Playing: U2 - One

Monday, January 23, 2006

:( :( :( :( :(

NBC cancels 'West Wing' after 7 seasons

Edit: And it's only fitting that I include this quote from the most recent episode - "Your American Dream is a financial one, not an ethical one."

The utilitarians are out to murder me now.

Now Playing: Velvet Revolver - Headspace

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Pretty interesting first week so far. I actually like all my classes. Well, there is Managerial Accounting but I'm not already beginning to hate it like I did with Financial Accounting at the start. Management seems a lot more interesting too so it's staying on my schedule. And Business Comm just seems really fun so far, especially since there are a bunch of people I know in that class. Marketing seems the most straightforward - no assignments, no papers, no homework, just 4 in class tests. And stupid physics is stupid physics.

So we went to County Line earlier tonight. Well technically last night. That was really good too, except the ride there and back (Sanju and I got to bond with each other a little too intimately... you really can't have two people riding shotgun) and the fact that we had to wait a while. Oh, and among all of us we stole like 30 packs of the honey butter. That's the best stuff ever. You're not getting mine. There was some twister much later too. Anything I say won't do it justice - but the pictures on my cellphone will.

Oh, I forgot to mention this. My bag got searched again by the TSA like it did last December. What were they expecting to find? My after shave moisturizer (yes, I use this stuff, it's fucking awesome) from Next? That was pretty much the only non-clothing item in that bag. Back in the day there used to be such a thing as the Fourth Amendment. Haha, that's funny. Stupid idealists, caring about their "Bill of Rights" and all. (That was sarcasm for the humor impaired)

You know, I really don't care for the 'hot button issues' as they call them here. Seriously. Abortion, gay marriage, and everything else that goes with it. What I do care about is the broader principle behind those issues. Roe v. Wade dies, and so does the basis for it. Does anyone have any idea how many non-abortion related cases have been decided by the SCOTUS using RvW as a precedent?

No, what really pisses me off is the systematic dismantling of any kind of oversight by the Bush Administration. Something is seriously wrong when the executive chooses to reinterpret "Torture is illegal" as "Torture is illegal only when we choose it to be", and somehow there's nothing wrong with it. Or extending recess appointments by a while year based on a single, constitutionally required technicality that Congress meet in session for a few minutes. If that doesn't make sense, all you need to know is that it's something no other president ever did before. Let's not even get started on the whole wiretapping thing. Nixon was almost impeached and convicted for spying on a few DNC guys at Watergate. Bush's NSA spies on millions of people illegally and it's all good - and get this - because Nixon did it. Seriously. That's talk radio for you.

A nation of sheep.

I think I'm done. That whole rant reminded me of something I was talking about with Pace in Dubai, and it's something I want to post on later.

Now Playing: Goo Goo Dolls - Smash

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I am oh so SOLD

The 2006 Civic Coupe is mine.

Now Playing: Paul van Dyk - Words

34 hour long birthday

Longest I've had yet. Not the most fun when you spend almost 30 of those hours flying across two continents. But that wasn't the worst part. Try an hour long delayed flight, grounded for another almost 3 hours thanks to incredibly bad weather - for what was supposed to be only 25 minutes in the air from Houston to Austin.

I guess the one silver lining on that dark, rain-filled cloud was that there was cake as soon as I got back home. Good cake too! (I'm finishing it off right now)

Classes so far seem good. I'm actually looking forward to Business Communication this semester if the first class was anything to go by. On the other hand I'm still trying to decide whether to keep Management on my schedule.

That's all for the 'what I did today'. Before I go, I have to say that I really enjoyed my break in Dubai. It was fun - the hanging out, squash, ATVing, Abu Dhabi, barbecue on New Year's Day, all the sheesha, driving all the way to Hard Rock only to find the band wasn't playing, visiting the old alma mater (and watching the kids suffer and being glad I wasn't one of them anymore), that one game of Quake, speeding down Sheikh Zayed and being scared to death on seeing a radar flash, and anything else I'm missing. Looking forward to all (well, not necessarily all) of it in the summer, schedule permitting.

Now Playing: U2 - Miracle Drug

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Watched Saw 2 last night with Pace, Dayaan and Arnold. It was actually not as gory as I had expected but pretty good nonetheless. We were supposed to watch Jarhead but the cinema at Ibn Battuta decided to change their schedules at the last minute. Whatever. It was fun though. And gives me an excuse to go to yet another movie.

There are a couple more political topics I want to post about, but I haven't really organized my thoughts on the subjects as yet so they'll have to wait.

Oh yeah, I hate Sheikh Zayed. The highway. At least up until the first interchange, then it gets a lot better.

Ah, interesting post by Melissa here. The long paragraph anyhow.

I'm sleep deprived too. My mom was unusually stubborn this morning in waking me up. Reminds me of the 11th grade days. *shudders

And that's all for now I think, I'll leave with a few random chatlogs. Haven't done this in a while. Cheers.

Sam says:

what i have

Sam says:

is something

Sam says:

that is better than everything

Sam says:

even sex

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:

it's called

Sam says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

is it cheesecake?

Sam says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

its normal cake

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

is it like an orgy in your mouth

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:


Sam says:


Sam says:

very orgy

Sam says:


Sam says:

there is no orgy

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:

so what are teh plans for teh austin?

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

teh plans are as follows

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

it doesnt matter

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

there is no plan

Sam says:

i find your lack of plan

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

the line is back!

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

oh oh

Sam says:

apparently it is

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

let me finish

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:


Sam says:

that was

Sam says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

ot was orgasmic

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


Sam says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


Scentless Apprentice says:


puneet says:

sam u choot..

Sam says:

hey puneet

Sam says:

how nice to see you today!

Sam says:

(i've decided to turn a new leaf and not be an asshole anymore)

puneet says:


Sam says:

but in your case

Sam says:

it's not worth it

Sam says:

fuck off

Sam says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

i will treat her like a cliche

Sam says:

you know

Sam says:

it's really fun

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

that will be the the ULTIMATE generalisation

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:

watching you get on the defensive like this

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:


Sam says:

defensive is you

Sanju: Carpe Jugulum says:

i am merely a jackass

Sam says:

a defensive one

Have at it.

Now Playing:

Friday, January 06, 2006


I must say it's been an interesting trip so far. So where to start....

I went ATVing in the desert near Hatta about a week ago. That was most enjoyable. The barbecue on new year's eve was fun too. I have to hand it to them, the new Za'abeel park is pretty awesome. And coming from me, that's really saying something.

I'm never going to City Center again though. It has to be the most crowded mall ever. On the other hand, I do need to check out the Mall of the Emirates sometime.

What am I missing... ah yes, hung out with old chaps from high school who I haven't met in a good year the other day, including Ayman, Andrew and Omar. We got sheesha too (and that's what it's called damnit, not hookah) - real sheesha is so much better than the stuff in Austin. Though I've decided I'm not going to smoke anything for a good month at least, and even after that it's going to be in very small quantities if at all. Same for alcohol. (good luck getting me drunk next semester, you know who you are)

Ah, and Pace and I drove all the way to Hard Rock Cafe last night, (5th freaking interchange) only to find that the band wasn't playing, and I think we all know why that was the case. *hits self on the head

I've been driving a lot too. Gonna have a hard time getting used to not having a car once I get back. But anyhow, on the way back from Hard Rock I actually saw someone get flashed by a speed camera on a very dark and deserted beach road. Very bright flash too. I didn't even know it was an extension of beach road at the time, so I'm glad I had advance warning of that camera, or it could have been me next. (If you're wondering what I'm on about, beach road is the one road in Dubai where you get flashed for speeding even if you're doing 81 - and the speed limit is 80 km/hr. Just about all the other streets with speed cameras have at least a 5 to 10 km/hr tolerance over the speed limit)

So we went over to get sheesha again, and that was when Pace and I had a rather interesting (and dare I say enlightening) discussion about, yeah you guessed it, politics.

Capped the night with some Q3A for old times' sake. Yeah, still the railgun whore.

Now Playing: Foo Fighters - Everlong

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Your liberal media

One of my pet peeves is how conservatives love to bitch about the 'liberal media' whenever it suits them. Most of them seem to be convinced - and have even managed to convince the media, as well as the average Joe - that it is liberal. The few that know for a fact that this isn't true tend to play it up anyway (Pat Buchanan, et al). This topic is something I could probably write a book on. In fact I do think it's been done already. Still....

Suffice to say that 'the liberal media' is a myth, and a common excuse used by conservatives when convenient. In an earlier post I mentioned Falafel O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Rush Oxycontin. And I'll stand by my statement that there simply aren't any liberal media personalities that are anywhere close to being as pervasive as these propagandists. Sure, Al Franken comes to mind. But need I remind you that he has no TV show, let alone one as popular as The Factor; he's never called up as a pundit/talking head by CNN or Fox like Ms. Coulter is; and his radio show on Air America would be lucky if it even once got a tenth of the listenership that Limbaugh gets on a regular basis. And political talk radio is otherwise completely dominated by conservative personalities.

But take a look at cable news. You have Fox, CNN and MSNBC. Fox being the most popular thanks to its sensationlized programming, CNN being a little behind and MSNBC far behind the both of them. Now I realize I'm talking about American media but keep in mind that you can watch Fox and CNN just about anywhere in the world. Watching Fox is funny, simply because everything is tailored to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Ever notice those 'Fox News Alert' things that pop up at the bottom of the screen every now and then? Think back to the Roberts confirmation process - there was actually an 'Alert' that said "Bush: Roberts is a nice person" (paraphrased because I can't remember it word for word, but it wasn't much different). No kidding. Exactly how is that newsworthy?

And don't even get me started on the talking heads, the so called 'pundits'. Fox news watchers vigorously defend against allegations of bias, saying that shows like the Factor and Hannity and Colmes are supposed to be opinion, and seperate from the news. (Side note: Exactly how is Hannity and Colmes a 'fair and balanced' show? It's rigged to have Hannity win every single 'debate'. And besides, is Colmes anywhere near as popular with the left as Hannity is with the right?) But the point is this: Fox doesn't do a very good job of seperating news from opinion. In fact, they try their very best to blend it as much as possible. "And now we turn to our Constitutional Law Expert, Ann Coulter, for what this new ruling means for the American people."

It's not like CNN, that so called bastion of liberalism, is much better. They try so hard not to appear biased, they end up trying to make everything seem 'balanced'. "Hey, the vice president cussed out a Democratic Senator on the Senate floor (and this actually did happen)! But oh no, if we report this, we could be labelled as being liberal, so we'll bring on a conservative talking head who'll provide a 'balancing view'." They try so hard sensationalize everything like Fox - only they don't do such a good job. But I must say that all the TV screens on the Situation Room are somewhat cool. CNN isn't even news anymore, forget about it being liberal.

And this brings up another point. The 'liberal media' meme gets so much play in conservative circles that it's spilled over into the mainstream, and the media tries extra hard not to be portrayed as being liberal. But no one's afraid of being labelled the 'conservative media', simply because in the mainstream that isn't seen as a negative connotation. So in the process of 'balancing out' whatever perceived liberal bias a news outlet thinks it has, it tends to become more and more conservative. Case in point: CNN.

Anything newsworthy that could potentially be seen as 'out of the mainstream' isn't given any play by the likes of CNN. This whole Abramoff thing? It's been going on for well over a year now, only it wasn't so big back then so nobody bothered reporting it. And when there is something, for example the whole NSA-spying thing going around now, the media tries so hard to get a 'counter-argument'. So nevermind the fact that it was illegal (which it was; constitutional issues aside there is a fucking law prohibiting spying on Americans without an FISA warrant, and no exceptions to this exist; go google it), the media still has talking heads 'debating' the legality of it all.

It's ironic when you have to turn to the BBC or The Guardian to get objective, un-stripped-down American news.

The New York Times is a common target of conservative critics, and I'll be the first to say that their op-ed writers are largely liberals. But even then, they have David Brooks, who can easily match up to Paul Krugman and that feminazi Maureen Dowd. I'm sorry, I really have no respect for her, she's exactly the kind of knee-jerk reactionary liberal I can't stand. But more importantly, the NYTimes does a very good job of keeping opinion seperate from the news - and when it comes to the news they have a pretty damn good record so far this year, aside from the whole Judy Miller facade. Look at the Washington Post, their op-eds are penned mainly by conservatives (Peggy Noonan, ugh), but the paper is still one of the few good remaining mainstream media outlets.

There is so much more to say, and that's pretty obvious reading through all this. But this isn't a position paper or even an argument. The conclusion - that the so called liberal media just isn't as liberal as the right would want you to believe - really doesn't even need to be argued. And when you have the likes of PNAC neoconservative hawk Bill Kristol admitting it, you know it's true.

Something is definitely wrong when regular viewers of The Daily Show are more informed than those who watch CNN or Fox. (Yes, this is true, there was actually a study conducted)

Edit: No blog post I would make right now would be complete without these two words: Vince Young. And I'm not even a football fan.

Now Playing: Foo Fighters - Halo

Quote of the Day

“I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap.” - David Letterman to Bill O’Reilly
Now Playing: Velvet Revolver - Slither

Monday, January 02, 2006


What's Your True Color?
Sam, your true color is Blue!

You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you — they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue — and patently you!

That works, I guess.

(And yeah, I do have something more substantial to post. Probably tonight.)

Now Playing: Coldplay - Yellow