echelon V

Monday, February 14, 2005

It's falling, it's falling and outside a building comes tumbling down

A professor that gives out candy before a test - how cool is that?

The test was easy enough too, though I barely finished. I probably wrote too much but that's okay, I think I got everything down.

Now I'll play loud music and annoy the girls next door.

Now Playing: U2 - Rejoice


  • you know it sounded like a good idea

    By Blogger Dan, at 3:15 PM  

  • "a good idea"....
    which one.. the building falling down or annoying the girls next door? >_< lol

    ill be experiencing a lot of that next term with not just a few girls next door but a full hallway of them ^__^... lets hope im the one doing the disturbing and not the other way round ;)

    By Blogger Hellspawn~ The Ωmen, at 9:39 AM  

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