SLI systems, overclocked processors and swiss cake rolls
While the rest of the general population was getting drunk and partying, I was right here sitting at my computer. For people who know me well this wouldn't come as a surprise, but even this case is exceptional - the dominant reason this time being that I had an SLI setup to play with. Of course, the fact that I simply don't like parties might have had something to do with it. Pfft. Parties. Who needs em. I've got my own party right here, complete with good music (which is more than I can say for some places...), drinks that don't turn you into a bumbling idiot who can't walk or talk straight (hey, some people are into that and I can respect that... or not), and most importantly, with no people. Damn plebes... they can be so annoying at times.
Now don't go thinking I'm anti-social. I'll have you know I was applauded on the UT shuttle back to campus for being the fastest grocery shopper around!
But I digress.
I'll get back to bragging about my l33ter-than-yours system. SLI works great. I managed to work around the driver limitations and enabled SLI in NFS Underground as well. More as an experiment though, since the game didn't really need it. Not like it wasn't something worth getting. DX Invisible War is just so much better running SLI. 1280x1024 at 4xAA and 16xAF works for me. Oh, and Half-Life 2 at 1600x1200 at 4xAA and 16xAF.
The 3500+ is running at 2.63 (default 2.2) GHz too, and not burning up like my old Newcastle almost did a few times. That's 2.63 GHz, at 1.425V. That's 250x10.5. That's equivalent to an Intel Pentium 4 with HyperThreading, SuperLongPipelineThatDoesMoreHarmThanGood, NetBurstArchitectureThatKillsPerformancePerClockForHigherClockSpeeds, ExtremeEditionThatsReallyNotMuchMoreThanAnOverpricedCPUWithMoreL3 running at 4 GHz, or a bit more. Intel fans and users alike will tell you otherwise. Ignore them. They're wrong.
Now Playing: U2 - I Fall Down
Now don't go thinking I'm anti-social. I'll have you know I was applauded on the UT shuttle back to campus for being the fastest grocery shopper around!
But I digress.
I'll get back to bragging about my l33ter-than-yours system. SLI works great. I managed to work around the driver limitations and enabled SLI in NFS Underground as well. More as an experiment though, since the game didn't really need it. Not like it wasn't something worth getting. DX Invisible War is just so much better running SLI. 1280x1024 at 4xAA and 16xAF works for me. Oh, and Half-Life 2 at 1600x1200 at 4xAA and 16xAF.
The 3500+ is running at 2.63 (default 2.2) GHz too, and not burning up like my old Newcastle almost did a few times. That's 2.63 GHz, at 1.425V. That's 250x10.5. That's equivalent to an Intel Pentium 4 with HyperThreading, SuperLongPipelineThatDoesMoreHarmThanGood, NetBurstArchitectureThatKillsPerformancePerClockForHigherClockSpeeds, ExtremeEditionThatsReallyNotMuchMoreThanAnOverpricedCPUWithMoreL3 running at 4 GHz, or a bit more. Intel fans and users alike will tell you otherwise. Ignore them. They're wrong.
Now Playing: U2 - I Fall Down
i applaud holding fort against the plebs (been doing the same here of late,project work is an awesome excuse;))
As i type this post an army of highly trained roaches make their way to your dorm and steal your precious rig.Sorry Sam,tough luck.
Btw where the hell are the swiss cake rolls mentioned apart from your title?I want my rolls:@!
h3lios, at 11:14 AM
The swiss rolls are mine. Mine I tell you. MINE! Muahahahaha!
Sam, at 3:11 PM
i skipped over the whole last para >_< lol
ive gone rusty on the latest l33t s+uff on teh m4rk3t ^__^
and UT still means Unreal Tournament to me.. so your sentence is nonsensical .... theres no GROCERIES in UT!!!!! AAAAAAAAGHHHHH
sacrelige. stop desecrating the greatest game ever ^__^
as for them plebs... they will burn in hellflames... the blue-green fire that consumeth all... the smell of brimstone... ah.
the liquor burns well too... DRINK!.. DRINK MORE!!! BURN!!!
oops.. sorry.. sometimes i have voices in my head and it becomes hard to concentrate... **SET FIRE TO HER HAIR** ... and one of those voices is a pyro apparently... oh well.. *hey check out that sword there*... oh shit.. the swordsman is back too.... dammit.. im logging off before this gets too embarassing.. *YO PYRO MAN... whadda ya think that ya set fire to.... *
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~Om3n has logged off
Hellspawn~ The Ωmen, at 10:08 AM
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