echelon V

Sunday, December 26, 2004

There's life out there!

Feels good to be back in civilisation. I spent the last few days in Aurangabad with my grandparents and a few other relatives. It's a small city somewhere in India, and while there's not much to say about the place (unless you're into old monuments and caves with religious sculptures and the like), I did enjoy visiting them. A lot of my cousins were there too, including the ones from Houston.

Honestly I never thought being at a farmhouse without electricity could be fun, but it was. Speaking of which, there was no power most of the time there, no internet because the computer was trashed, and the cable was out. We got some movies on DVD though and watched them when the power was on. That and karaoke. I didn't sing though. You don't want to hear me sing. Trust me.

[Edit: On another read that sounded like I was actually living at a farmhouse. I wasn't, we just happened to spend a lot of time there. And hey, karaoke at a farmhouse?]

Slept a lot though. The only time I woke up before 2 pm was when my 3 year old cousin Joanna woke me up at 9 and made sure I wouldn't go back to sleep. Oh, and I got sick too. The first day I had a sore throat. That hurt... a lot. It got better in a day though... but then I got a cold. That wasn't fun. I'm okay now though.

I always thought it was cool that my parents' wedding anniversary was on christmas day. They're not the only ones though... I just found out that two of my uncles' and aunts' anniversaries were yesterday too. Not only that, it was one of my aunts' birthday too.

I'm in Bombay now though, and my grandad (the other one) had a party today. That meant getting dressed up, and of course... mingling. It wasn't all bad though, I met some rather 'interesting' people. More on that later though, or not. ;)

Oh, and I got a bunch of Iron Maiden albums from my cousin (Yeah I have a lot of cousins...). That and I saw an Iron Maiden DVD in my uncle's room today. I had no idea he listened to that stuff.

This new laptop is pretty good too. The best part is the battery... 4 and a half hours at least. At least now I'll have something to do when I'm not asleep on the flight back to Houston. Farscape is pretty good.

That's all for now I think... it's 2.10 am here, and I'm not the least bit sleepy.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - From Here to Eternity


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