echelon V

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Need some wood?

So there really hasn't been all that much to write about. Lets see then... 26 days have passed since November 2, which by the way was Election Day - if the word 'election' qualifies. I guess it does though if you like your touch screen voting. I have to admit though, Our Great Leader - and you get to call him that whether you're American or not now - sure is on a roll. In the spirit of bipartisan cooperation, he supports a policy in which Congress would only pass bills backed by a number of House Republicans, regardless of the number of Democrats supporting it. As if that wasn't enough to please Democrats, the Senate now plans to use - quote, unquote - 'nuclear' tactics to nominate conservative judges to courts around the US. There's no such thing as too much bipartisanship however, and the Bush appointed CIA Director *cough* lackey/partisan hack/nutjob/take your pick *cough* Porter Goss is purging the CIA of those insufficiently supportive of Bush policies. Does Colin Powell's resignation even count?

Enough of that though, just my two cents. There are already too many political blogs on the internets.

Now Playing: U2 - Walk On


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