echelon V

Thursday, February 17, 2005

14 Hours

Of sleep that is. I needed that much at least.

Except now I have nothing to do for the next couple of hours before calculus. On the bright side, I know for a fact I won't be missing it now.

I did notice that a whole bunch of blogs have popped up/been updated had they not been for a while out of the blue. Probably has to do with the fact that I posted the link on my Facebook - or Rishi's constant proliferation.

Dan just started off with his blog, give it a read.

So did Chris. No, not that Chris - the one I've mentioned a few times before on here - his journal seems just about dead.

Hell even Reuben got off his lazy ass and made one.

Haven't had enough yet? Then pay a visit to the resident CS major Sanju's blog.

That's all I think, for now.

Now Playing: Iron Maiden - The Angel and The Gambler


  • Yeah my proliferation rocks,spread the word of blogging people!

    err... wtf is a facebook:P?

    By Blogger h3lios, at 7:21 AM  


    Sorry, you people in Indian colleges can't use it.

    By Blogger Sam, at 7:32 AM  

  • thankfully not.The last thing we need is a service to meet and socialise with those in other colleges.

    By Blogger h3lios, at 1:27 AM  

  • Lazy ass?! My ass is not lazy! You should see it after some chicken tikka...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:59 AM  

  • turdmaster snakey,lol.

    By Blogger h3lios, at 6:16 AM  

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