Week 1
So it's been a week since summer classes started, and I guess I'm due for a bit of an update.
Not much going on really - although I keep running into people I know that I didn't think were taking summer classes. I think the biggest coincidence has to be that I have Arghmed - of all people - in my World Literature class. (For those not in the know, this guy was in my CS 307 class last fall - notorious for pointing out missing semicolons in Java programs)
My roommate here in San Jacinto, an Asian guy named Mark, seems pretty nice. Sometimes I think he's a bit overly nice. One of these days he's probably going to ask me something major that I won't be able to refuse because he's been so nice to me all this while. I can so see it coming....
Been working out at the gym and I think it's making a difference.
Nah, who am I kidding?
Anyhow, classes aren't too bad. Microeconomics is just plain boring (missed it twice already) but World Literature is just incredible. If you plan on taking World Literature at UT, take Ernest Kaulbach. This guy curses the hell out of everyone and everything - but if you can live with that (and I'm willing to bet you can), you'll have an incredibly easy class that's actually fun. I mean - how can you NOT like a guy who writes "FUCK" in big, bold letters on the slide projecting on the screen when talking about Genesis - and then erases it when he moves to the next topic because "it's not polite"?
On a side note, I shook up my computer a bit too. Sold a 6800 GT (and should be selling the second one soon) and bought a 7800 GTX, all while making a profit. Now all I need is an Athlon X2 and I'm set.
Finally - Guns N' Roses are one hell of a band. Like I said earlier to a certain, um, person with a God-complex, they're no U2 - but still fucking good.
Now Playing: Guns N' Roses - Estranged
Not much going on really - although I keep running into people I know that I didn't think were taking summer classes. I think the biggest coincidence has to be that I have Arghmed - of all people - in my World Literature class. (For those not in the know, this guy was in my CS 307 class last fall - notorious for pointing out missing semicolons in Java programs)
My roommate here in San Jacinto, an Asian guy named Mark, seems pretty nice. Sometimes I think he's a bit overly nice. One of these days he's probably going to ask me something major that I won't be able to refuse because he's been so nice to me all this while. I can so see it coming....
Been working out at the gym and I think it's making a difference.
Nah, who am I kidding?
Anyhow, classes aren't too bad. Microeconomics is just plain boring (missed it twice already) but World Literature is just incredible. If you plan on taking World Literature at UT, take Ernest Kaulbach. This guy curses the hell out of everyone and everything - but if you can live with that (and I'm willing to bet you can), you'll have an incredibly easy class that's actually fun. I mean - how can you NOT like a guy who writes "FUCK" in big, bold letters on the slide projecting on the screen when talking about Genesis - and then erases it when he moves to the next topic because "it's not polite"?
On a side note, I shook up my computer a bit too. Sold a 6800 GT (and should be selling the second one soon) and bought a 7800 GTX, all while making a profit. Now all I need is an Athlon X2 and I'm set.
Finally - Guns N' Roses are one hell of a band. Like I said earlier to a certain, um, person with a God-complex, they're no U2 - but still fucking good.
Now Playing: Guns N' Roses - Estranged
"One of these days he's probably going to ask me something major that I won't be able to refuse because he's been so nice to me all this while. I can so see it coming...."
be on guard.
"On a side note, I shook up my computer a bit too. Sold a 6800 GT (and should be selling the second one soon) and bought a 7800 GTX, all while making a profit. Now all I need is an Athlon X2 and I'm set."
i want game benches!
h3lios, at 1:36 AM
Guns N' Roses > U2
\m/ :D
Dayaan Swiftheart W, at 4:46 AM
1. Guns 'N Roses is 1337-er than thou AND U2
2. It is a 'GAWD' complex,
3. Gawd is 1337
chutneykid, at 6:44 AM
Sounds like an Armenian prince or something..
schumy, at 8:45 AM
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